What are the qualities a human resources manager should have?

What sort of an image or qualities a Human resources manager or a personal manager project? Caught between conflicting interests of management and labour; weighed down by his/her loyalty to the management and duties to the workers.

Qualities a Human resources Manager or personal manager

The HR functions give us some idea of the qualities which a successful HR personnel manager must possess. The most important quality is his/her ability to deal successfully with people who have likes and dislikes, whims and fancies, who favour some and are prejudiced against others.

He/She had to deal with workers who refuse to see reason and who believe that violence pays, and nothing else does. The other qualities a Human resources Manager are stated below:

1. Fairness and firmness

This is a basic quality of the HR manager. He/she should be fair in matters of promotions, demotions, transfers, lay-offs and be firm in enforcing discipline.

2. Tact and resourcefulness

The HR manager must be tactful in dealing with difficult situations. Tact implies determining what is good and fair in trying conditions, and skill in dealing with the most demanding situations. Often, tact is misunderstood as cunning.People with these wrong perceptions resort to unethical practices of dividing workers, setting one group against another, using unlawful means to deal with bold workers or strong union leaders.

The HR manager must be resourceful, too. He/She should have an open mind, objectivity and adjustability to tackle a difficult matter from different angles

3. Sympathy and consideration

The HR manager must be guided by sympathetic attitude towards employee demands. True, several of the demands are unreasonable, but patient listening, open mind, and concern for employees’ welfare make recalcitrant workers relent. Similarly, intentions and actions of there HR manager must be tempered with consideration for others.

4. Knowledge of labour and other terms

The HR manager must possess a sound knowledge of the Constitution and other acts that influence labour interests. He/She must also be aware of the government’s policy towards labour and the general economic conditions prevailing at a given time.

However, the HR manager is not directly concerned with the compliance of provisions in the Constitution and other acts. The HR manager is the head of the HR department and it is desirable that he/she is familiar with the legal provisions affecting labour.

5. Broad social outlook

Social responsibility of business is a topic much discussed these days. Business units undertake several activities in the name of social responsibility It is desirable that the HR manager has a social outlook and contribute towards the betterment of quality of life of the employees and those who live around and beyond the company.

6. Others

The HR manager must have the competence to perform activities relating to personnel better than his/her subordinates, This would earn him/ her their enormous respect. Competence gives robust confidence to the HR manager about him/her to face adverse situations with courage.

It enables the manager to kindle hope in subordinates when their spirits are down, which is usually the case when the organisation is passing through a lean period. The HR manager must have a long-term perspective, so as to map out a future for the organisation 15 to 20 years ahead and even beyond.

7. Academic qualifications

The sequencing is deliberate-we have put academic qualifications of the HR manager as the last in the series. The reason is simple-the HR manager needs no specialised academic degrees, unlike a cost accountant, chartered accountant, doctor, engineer or a professor in a university who must possess the prescribed qualification to enter their respective professions.

The apex body of personnel management in India, namely, the National Institute of Personnel Management (NIPM), is also silent about the qualifications of HR managers.


In the years to come, the HR manager will be expected to contribute to the strategic direction of the firm that employs him or her, by helping create and sustain the competitive advantage of the organisation. To play such strategic roles, the HR manager needs to be well-educated and experienced.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the qualification of HR Manager?

The HR manager needs no specialised academic degrees, unlike a cost accountant, chartered accountant, doctor, engineer or professor in a university who must possess the prescribed qualification to enter their respective professions.

Q2. What is the role of HR job?

The HR (Human Resources) department’s responsibility is to support and manage the employees within a company. This includes duties such as recruitment, training, dispute resolution and ensuring compliance while maintaining a fair working environment for all.

Q3. What are the most important qualities a Human resources Manager should have?

The most important quality is his/her ability to deal successfully with people who have likes and dislikes, whims and fancies, who favour some and are prejudiced against others.

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