What is mean and Advantages of E-Training and Development

Companies started providing e-training and development with online executives. Employees learn various skills by staying at the place of their work. Participants complete course work from wherever they have access to computer and internet. E-learning via intranet (internet is now a global phenomenon and is central to training and development to many companies.

What is E-Training and Development?

E-training represents the total category to technology-based learning while on- line learning is synonymous with web-based learning. The term e-learning covers a wide set of applications and processes, including computer-based learning, web-based learning, virtual classrooms and digital collaboration.

E-training is enabled by the delivery of content via all electronic media, including the internet, intranets, extranets, satellite broadcast, audio/video tape, interactive TV and CD-ROM.

The content of various training and executive development programmes are placed on the intranet/internet and the trainees are supplied with the audio/video tapes and CD-ROM The trainees move on to the programmes relevant for their skill development based on training needs. They go through the content, which is module based on the interactive sessions and acquire the necessary skills.

Advantages of E-Training and Development

Advantages of e-training and development include:

  • E-training helps the employees specify corporate competencies and build up knowledge management strategies;
  • The HR department gets the IT department to its side; and
  • Training material will be available more widely.

Essential Conditions

E-training would be effective, if the following conditions present. They include:

  • Facility of interaction with the tutor;
  • Facility of interaction with the peers;
  • Opportunity for differential learning;
  • Availability of training material readily; and
  • Motivating the trainees to learn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How does E-Training benefit employees?

E-learning helps employees learn new things and improve their skills. It’s like an online job skills school that allows employees to learn at their own pace and when it suits them.

Q2. Can E-Training and Development be done from anywhere?

Yes, E-Training can be done from anywhere with an internet connection. Employees can learn at home, at the office, or even while traveling.

Q3. How does E-Training help companies?

E-learning helps companies by ensuring that their employees have the right skills. Competent employees do their jobs better, which helps the company succeed. It also shows that the company cares about employee growth.

Q4. Is E-Training suitable for all types of jobs?

Yes, e-learning can be useful for many jobs. It’s not just about office work – courses are available for a variety of industries and roles such as healthcare, technology, and customer service.

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