What is Renaissance? Affecting factors and its Impact

The period between 14th century and 16 century is marked by intellectual fermentation that was called renaissance. The literal meaning of Renaissance is ‘reawakening’. It reflects an attitude of mind so, it is supposed to be an ideological attitudinal change of European people.

As a result of seavoyages as well as geographical expansion, there was an exchange between Western and Eastern ideas and cultural values. At the same time, application of printing press boosted wider circulation of new ideas.

Factors of Renaissance

The Renaissance was a mood or outlook, it was not an intellectual revolution. Its emphasis was on the following factors-

1. Curiosity and the spirit of enquiry

The attraction towards worldly life inspired a new kind of curiosity among the scholars. This factor encouraged scientific discovery. Thus emerged the great scientists of the age, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton.

When Newton saw the fruit falling down, he formulated gravitational theory having been inspired by curiosity.

2. Spirit of adventure

The growing importance of human strengthend the spirit of adventure in him. This encouraged geographical exploration and great voyages.

3. Humanism

It emphasized the dignity of man and material age.

4. Individualism

Greater importance attached to an individual led to composition of autobiography. For example, an artist, Cellini wrote his autobiography for the first time.

5. Secularism

Here secularism means the criticism of those priests, in whose words and actions there was a greater dichotomy. It led to decline of religion on human mind. In this way Renaissance encouraged new culture in Europe.

Impact of Renaissance

In fact, the element of humanism, individualism and secularism became the basic ethos of the European civilization. It was that ethos which got expression in the compositions of Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Cervantes, paintings of Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci etc. as well as in the political philosophy of Machiavelli etc. Likewise, the idea of secularism gave impetus to the Protestant movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which period is called the Renaissance period?

The period between 14th century and 16 century is marked by intellectual fermentation that was called the Renaissance.

Q2. Why is it called the Renaissance?

The literal meaning of Renaissance is ‘reawakening’. It reflects an attitude of mind so, it is supposed to be an ideological attitudinal change of European people.

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